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     In February 2019, a potential second government shutdown about immigration reform is looming. I produced this segment for MSNBC that delves into the semantics behind the border wall debate.

      I assisted in ensuring the accuracy of a slew of "World News Tonight" and "Good Morning America" spots during my time with ABC News' Investigative Unit. For example, an ex-Trump foreign policy adviser pled guilty to lying to the FBI and his indictment was unsealed. I had a busy day of constructing a timeline, tracking down elements and helping producers get this piece on the air in October 2017.

      I was responsible for quickly synthesizing a wide scope of information into concise "one-sheets" while Andrea Mitchell's intern for NBC News. I helped Mitchell prepare for international trips to Asia and Russia, interviews with prominent politicians and for guests on her daily MSNBC show "Andrea Mitchell Reports."


     Mitchell asked one of my suggested questions to Former Vice President Joe Biden. The full interview aired on MSNBC in January 2017.  


      I helped fact-check various aspects of Andrea Mitchell's "Nightly News" and "TODAY" pieces. I used deep web searching skills to find original documents. For instance, I confirmed the amount of money Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was paid by a Russian TV network for a speech and for consulting fees by a firm with ties to Turkey

     This package aired on "Nightly News with Lester Holt" in April 2017.

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